First 25


by Open Letter

"A role of academic libraries is to provide ready access to international literature to foster broader cultural awareness, appreciation, and understanding. The publications of Open Letter remove the barrier of language that too often impedes multicultural understanding."
—Susan Gibbons, University Librarian at Yale University

Open Letter Books at the University of Rochester is working directly with libraries and individuals to bring great works of international literature to the hands of as many readers as possible.

With direct support from the University of Rochester, Open Letter is now able to provide the complete catalog of our first 25 titles at a deep discount of about 50% off. That’s Open Letter’s first 25 books for only $200, including free shipping within the U.S.

Fewer than 3% of books published in the U.S. are translated from another language. Open Letter—one of the only U.S. organizations with a commitment to cultivating an appreciation for international literature—is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to addressing this problem by connecting readers to great international books. The collection features:

  • 25 books from 18 countries;
  • Classic, internationally renowned authors such as Marguerite Duras, Mercè Rodoreda, and Ilf & Petrov;
  • Epic, award-winning works from contemporary authors—such as Mathias Énard, Jan Kjaerstad, and Jorge Volpi;
  • Along with novels, the collection also includes several collections of short fiction, essays, a poetry collection, and an anthology;
  • Some hardbound editions;
  • Free shipping on all U.S. domestic orders, and discounted shipping for international orders;
  • Click here to see/download a full and detailed bibliographic list of all the books included in this offer;
  • Are you a library or other institution and don't want to order by credit card? Click here to see alternate ways to order.

    Here's a list of all the books included, with links to learn more about each one:

    "I recommend an outfit called Open Letter Books. They are an institute recently founded at the University of Rochester for the study and advocacy of international translation."
    —David Kipen, former Director of Literature and National Reading Initiatives, National Endowment for the Arts